Series of articles on web hosting, design, development and more.

Series of articles to market your web hosting business and more.

Series of articles to begin your online journey.

Series of articles on WordPress, starting an online store, product launches, and more.

Conceptualized content for videos and reels as part of the Bluehost India video marketing team.

MUMBAI, India, Nov. 27, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — BigRock, a part of Endurance International Group’s family of brands and a provider of domains, web hosting and other web presence products announces incredible discounts on domains, web hosting, email hosting, and add-ons as part of the 2020 Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale. In these challenging times, BigRock hopes that these offers will help its customers boost their business.  

MUMBAI, Nov. 29, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — HostGator, a part of Endurance International Group’s family of brands and a provider of domains, web hosting and other web presence products, announces discounts on web hosting, servers and domains as part of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale. The sale is now live with details of the discounts below:

MUMBAI, Nov. 29, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — BigRock, a part of Endurance International Group’s family of brands and a provider of domains, web hosting and other web presence products, announces discounts on domains, web hosting and servers as part of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale. BigRock is excited to bring these offers to its customers. The sale is now live with details of the discounts below:

The digital landscape has grown by leaps and bounds, and domain name registrars are an integral part of it. In our previous article, we listed the benefits of becoming an ICANN accreditated registrar, but what next once you are a registrar?

There are businesses and then there are businesses that build a legacy. What sets them apart, is that they remain flexible to adapt to the ever-changing industry and upgrade their offerings accordingly.

Member of Toastmasters International and have served as the Editor for the District 98 monthly magazine for the term July 2019 – June 2020. The magazine has a readership of over 6,000+ readers.

Mar 2016 / PepperScript Publishers / Short story titled, ‘Rue of the Night’​ published in the anthology, ‘Unmasked’​

Feb 2017 /indiauthor/ Short Story – Ammalu – Co-authored the short story with a friend.

Jun 8, 2017 / IEEE / The Internet of Things (IoT) in all its essentiality is a collection of sensors bridged together tightly. The present day development in the technology industry has thus elevated the emphasis of large amounts of data. IoT is expected to generate and collect an enormous amount of data from varied locations very quickly.

Jan 2016 / IRAJ / Abstract-In this era of technological advancement the recent growth in the IT enabled industry has increased the amount of “Big Data” namely unpredictable amount of data as well as with the arrival of Internet-of-Things, the IoT is expected to generate huge amount of data from varied locations that is collected.

A blog full of short stories, poems, and speeches.

A blog for brand reviews and promotions.

Wrote a couple of freelancing articles.

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” ― Anais Nin